Choose a payment schedule that best fits your financial needs by paying monthly, quarterly or annually. Credit card autocharge available for easy automated payments. Special fee schedules available to patients who reside in MA part-time.
All included in flat monthly fee
30-60 minute visits vs 20 minutes
Urgent care availability nights and weekends if needed
Annual Physicals | Cancer Screenings | Smoking Cessation | Wellness & Nutrition | Weight Management
Regardless of your needs, we’ve structured our office to avoid extra charges for your care
Sick Visits | Anxiety & Depression | Blood Pressure | Cholesterol | Diabetes
Routine Blood Work | Urinalysis | Urine Pregnancy | Strep Throat | Glucose
Call, email, text your needs and we will get back to you in a timely manner.
Skin Biopsies | Simple Lacerations | Burn & Wound Care | Wart Removal | Abscess Drainage | EKG
— WebMD Health Insurance News, Feb 26, 2020
— Laurianne Bourque
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