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The Mission of Gold Direct Care

admin December 15, 2014 No Comments

To My Patients and to Prospective Patients,

It has been an honor to practice primary care in the community in which I grew up and where I now live with my wife and our 5 year old twins. When I made the decision to become a Family Practice Doctor, I had a vision of what I thought my practice would be like…it would be in a community similar to where I grew up; I would have personal relationships with all of my patients; I would be accessible to my patients when they need me; I would be able to spend as much time as I want with my patients; and the list goes on and on.

Over the course of the past couple of years, due to many factors, it became very clear to me that my vision for how I wanted to practice medicine was not coming to fruition; at least not in the dysfunction of the current healthcare system. I started to read about a movement in the world of primary care medicine called Direct Primary Care (DPC). DPC was quickly gaining notoriety and attention, not only in the medical community, but in the business world as well. Slowly but surely news outlets such as MSNBC, FOX NEWS, and CNN started to interview doctors who opened DPC practices across the country. The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, and other major news outlets started publishing articles about the DPC movement and the attention that it is getting in the medical community. The more I read and the more research I did, it became obvious to me that the vision that I had for how I wanted to practice medicine- as well as the vision that I had for how my patients deserve to have me practice medicine- could be achieved by opening my own DPC practice. I truly believe that Direct Primary Care is a large part of the solution to the healthcare crisis in this country.

After two years of doing research, attending DPC conferences, having numerous conversations with doctors who are already operating successful DPC practices, and lengthy discussions with people in the business world, I am proud to introduce you to Gold Direct Care. I am the first doctor in the state of Massachusetts to open such a practice, and I know it is the right thing to do for me, but most importantly for my patients.

Please peruse to learn more about Direct Primary Care. I look forward to growing my practice with you, my patients, by my side. And I thank you for allowing me the privilege of being your doctor.

Jeffrey S. Gold, M.D.